Aimee ReeseSep 26, 2017Just do it! Stop WaitingThere is so much waiting to be done but we all lack the push to start crossing off each activity on the to-do list. It is a common...
Aimee ReeseSep 25, 2017Important Tips on Exceeding your Expectations in LifeMost people live their life trying to fulfill expectations be it theirs or others. At times, this can be very tiresome although ignoring...
Aimee ReeseSep 22, 2017SKIN SENSITIVITYA sensitive skin is one that either reacts to a product or the external environment. When you make use of a skin product for instance and...
Aimee ReeseSep 21, 2017VEGAN VERSUS VEGETARIANVegetarian and vegan have one thing in common; both groups do not eat meat. While vegetarians appear to be more lenient in their diets,...
Aimee ReeseSep 20, 20176 WAYS BUSY PEOPLE CAN GET MORE EXERCISEHealth is wealth and it’s very important to take good care of your health. Nothing else matters more, because without good health, life...
Aimee ReeseSep 20, 2017How Inner Powers Can Help You in Achieving Your GoalsIn order to cope with our chores, tasks, and anything in our daily life, we need certain inner powers. These inner powers are vital in...