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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

We are Gatekeepers

Yes, in our positions we do have to control the gate to those we support. Not everyone is comfortable doing this but in order for you to be the best assistant this is something that is highly important.

Those that are new to the admin world may ask what a gatekeeper is. Well here are a few things that will help you understand this part of our job:

  • We filter incoming information, such as emails, mail, packages, and phone calls.

  • We collect and distribute information.We are a fact checker, and a researcher.

  • We are, as some call, the right hand to the person we support.

  • We are the manager of schedules and time for the person we support.

  • We are the first person that someone sees or calls, so in essence the face of the company.

  • We stop unnecessary interruptions for the person we support.

Gatekeeping is used for both internal and external people. This includes emails, callers, visitors, and mail.

It is our job to make sure that meetings start on time, and that we do not allow people to monopolize the time of the person we support.

Some tips to help you get started:

  • You have to learn to read minds of others. You need to ask questions so you can make sure time will be effectively utilized.

  • Listen to the caller or observe the visitor to make sure they are respectful of time. The person we supports time should be respected.

  • Ask for details on why a person is calling, simply say “may I ask what this pertains to” or “may I have a bit more detail”. These are simple and easy questions to ask.

  • You will never be able to please everyone.

  • Know who does what in your organization so you can direct people to the correct person.

  • Callers will try to be sneaky when you have not given the information they were looking for, be quick to realize their tricks.

  • You are in a highly confidential role, what you see, hear and send is not for others.

  • Be friendly to everyone, as it reflects on the person you are supporting.

  • Be direct but professional. Push back is ok.

  • Do not make anyone feel unimportant.

Make sure you are consistent, and you are approachable. Remember you are a filter not a block!


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