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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Don't Lose Yourself Find Yourself

Remember That You Can Lose Yourself in the Things You Love but Also You Can Find Yourself at the Same Time

Life is rather short. If there was ever a moment to do what you love and do something that is important to you that moment is now. Finding out what you are passionate about is something most of us talk about with family, friends, colleagues and even on the internet. However, figuring out exactly what you love to do can be challenging at times. There is an intense feeling that creeps up on us to figure it out, but after sometime, the passion is nowhere to be found and this frustrates us because we are realize that we are not where we wanted to be.

Some people may argue that once you have found what you are passionate about, you might end up over indulging or losing yourself doing that particular thing. Well, just remember that you can lose yourself in the things you love, but also you can find yourself at the same time. In other words, while doing something that you love, you will understand who you truly are and even re-evaluate your abilities. It can be a self-discovery process.

The following are a few ways to find your passion:

Do a lot of things

It is better to have several options and interests than one. Do not be scared of trying several things to figure out what you love. The best way to do this is by making a list of things you feel that you are interested in. Then pick two or three items from the list and try them out. If you realize that you do not enjoy doing them, stop right there and try something else. Keep on doing this until you find something you will love.

Stay true to yourself

More often than not, we put limits on ourselves especially after we have invested so much time and money in college and move into the job world. We tend to feel stuck at jobs we even do not love doing, frustrating bosses and low pay. The secret to this is simple. Just stop doing what you hate and start taking steps to do what you love.

No matter how you go about figuring out what you love, you will not find it by watching and comparing your life to other people’s lives. It may seem that some of your friends are way up the career ladder and you may think that they have it all figured out, but the truth of the matter is, some of them don’t even have a clue if what they are doing is actually what they love.


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