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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Accept You - You are Real

Being human is hard, we might not know how to be anything else, but we can all agree that it is not always a walk in the park. As much as there are aspects of ourselves we are proud of and revel in, there are also the other parts that we would rather not acknowledge. We need to always remember that we are only just human, no more; and definitely no less.

The journey of self-acceptance and self-love is one we would have to undergo constantly everyday of our lives. The most important aspect of this is learning to accept both the good and the not so good parts of yourself and loving them equally. Everyone struggles with the different aspects of their personality, it is all part of the human experience, and trying to deny or reject the unpleasant parts will never work out in the long run. You do not have to be perfect; you only have to be you, the real you, in all the various shades in which the package comes.

Accepting every aspect of your personality is the first step to becoming the best person you can be. You do not have to force yourself to become perfect, that’s an illusion that only exists in the movies or as a figment of someone’s imagination. That person, the role model or icon you look up to, as your model of perfection, is just as human as you. If you cannot learn to love and accept all of you, both the good and the bad, it will be impossible to accept other people’s respect or acceptance of you.

If you think there are certain aspects of your physical appearance that are not quite up to par, then maybe it’s time to realize that some people do not even have these features at all. And that feature you are so ashamed of or want to give up, just might be what someone else admires and envies the most about you. So, how can you not own it!

Enjoy being you, enjoy your imperfect face, unusual walk, being introverted, being extroverted, height, weight, and stature; every perfect and imperfect thing about you. You think you are overweight? Maybe this is the time to rock some lovely plus-size outfits and drive your confidence level through the roof. Plus you just might inspire a young person out there from bowing to the societal dictates of hurting themselves because they are not a stick.

Do you think you are too outspoken or quick tempered? Well, newsflash! You are the inspiration to someone out there to speak out for themselves and fight against injustice, the sight of you speaking your mind just might inspire someone to make their voice heard and achieve great things.

The examples are endless, but the message is simply this, ACCEPT THE REAL YOU.

Rejecting even the smallest aspect of yourself because it doesn’t fit into your idea of the perfect you is just going to alter the uniqueness that is you.

So, embrace yourself, faults and all, and love that person to pieces, because without those peculiarities, they would be someone else.


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