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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

How to Build Self-Trust

Trusting your own intuition is important for self-love. We’re all born with this ability but as we get older and start to become aware of how we’re “supposed” to behave, self-trust can go right out of the window. Therefore, so many of us are constantly seeking the approval of other people, rather than trusting our own gut instincts. The result is massive self-doubt and an intense fear of failure. If this sounds familiar, it’s time to work on rebuilding your self-trust. When you can fully trust yourself, it’s so much easier to accept and love yourself too. Here are some tips for developing self-trust.

Ask yourself what you’re really scared of

Before you can start to build self-trust, it helps to understand what is fueling your lack of trust in yourself. Are you scared to fail? Or maybe you’re scared of being rejected or feeling ashamed of yourself. You might have to look deep to get to the bottom of your fears but it’s a good starting point for your positive self-talk.

Don’t hide behind your emotions

How often do you allow yourself to truly accept your emotions? A big part of self-trust involves learning not to hide behind your emotions. This helps you to have greater trust in what you’re feeling.

Slowing down and taking time every day to connect with your thoughts and emotions is super important for tuning into your intuition. Sometimes, you just need a bit of silence to quieten your mind and successfully get in touch with your emotions. Mindfulness can be a great way to do this.

Learn from your mistakes

We all mess up from time to time and admitting this to yourself doesn’t mean that you can’t trust in your gut instincts. Instead of beating yourself up about what happened, make sure that your self-talk is a lot more positive. It’s okay to get things wrong - the important part is that you resolve to learn from the situation.

Stay true to yourself

Knowing your priorities and values in life are super important for self-trust. After all, if you’re acting in line with what other people expect from you, it’s hard to know if you’re really doing the right thing! When you can truly trust yourself, you can know that you’re acting in the right way and that your intentions are right for you … whatever the outcome.

Stick to your guns

Trusting your instinct and not being swayed by what you think you should do is the cornerstone of self trust. The latter is often affected by other people and can often override your own instincts. Learning to stick with your intuition and working out how to read it properly are an underrated way to practice self-love on a regular basis.

Develop heart centered awareness

True self trust involves listening to what your heart is telling you, rather than letting a busy mind guide you. When we refer to the heart in this sense, it’s not just the physical heart. It’s much broader than this and encompasses your inner voice and wisdom.

When the heart is open, it creates the ideal environment for love and compassion. Bypassing the conscious mind and not relying solely on your thought processes can open a whole new way of trusting yourself and your emotions. It doesn’t always mean that you’ll be right with the decisions you make but it’s a lot more likely that any surprising curveballs happen for a reason. Instead of being ruled by your mind, you can become so much more accepting of yourself.

In contrast, negative emotions come to the surface much more frequently when your heart is closed off. Grief, shame, fear and self-loathing are just a few of the things you might feel in this scenario. Moving out of your head and learning how to start putting total trust in your heart can be scary but it allows these emotions to be dealt with. In the end, you’re in a much better place to show yourself the self-love and compassion you need.

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