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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Social Media - Why I Stopped Using

My last post on social media was over 7 months ago. I just decided one day that I was taking a break. Do I regret it? Do I miss it? The answer to both is NO!

Some people would say I was crazy. Some people would say it is career suicide. Some people would say why would you stop after spending so much time and effort building your social profile?

Well, all I can say is that it was the best decision I could have ever made. You never really realize how much time you spend on social media until you don't get on there and watch those around you. You don't realize all the things that you have missed with family and friends until you are no longer on social media.

I have no negativity in my life unless I allow it. I am not influenced by what is posted, I don't get upset or freaked out because of something someone shares or posts. I don't get sucked into the drama that appears on social media.

When my husband and I go out to dinner I watch now and am amazed at how many couples and families I see out to dinner but they have their phone literally right in front of them so they can keep checking it. They are not having a face to face conversation or if they are, they are not fully focused on that person.

I am not saying to give up on social media as there are some really good things that come out of. I have known people that have built a business using social media and that is awesome but maybe just stop and take a break. Start with maybe a day or two, then add a week. Look up instead of down as the world is so beautiful around you and the things that you are missing cannot be replaced if you don't look up.

This Christmas my family and I played board games. Yes, board games and it was the best Christmas I have had in a very long time. We had so much fun and we spent quality time together.

Make one of your goals this year to put the phone down and look up, see what you are missing. I know that I am now enjoying everything around me and have real verbal conversations now not just via text message or via social media.

You get to know who a person really is by talking to them not by what is posted on said on social media.

Set your goal now and work towards that, the power to choose to do this is with you!

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