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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Goals Instead of Resolutions

This year I decided not to commit to a resolution but instead write my goals down and concentrate on them.

Resolutions are things we say we plan to do but tend to forget about or start but never finish. Goals you set for yourself and stick to them.

Everyone keeps track of their goals in a different way, some use their phones, some use a planner and others use a visual calendar on their wall. There is no wrong way to keep track of your goals.

I am a visual person so I use a planner as my phone just does not do it for me and I like to keep them with me at all times. I have a planner that fits in my bag and I can check it everyday as that is where I keep my To Do's as well. By having everything in one place I can't overlook the goals.

Remember when you set your goals sure you use the SMART system (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and have a Timeline). If you set unrealistic goals it will be more frustrating to you and you have a better chance to put them off.

Now is the time to just sit down and jot down those goals then pick 2 or 3 to focus on, once you reach one goal work on the next and so forth. The feeling of accomplishment will outweigh anything else.

You can do this, you have the power to choose to do this for yourself.

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