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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Success Has Nothing To Do With Luck

It is not unusual for people to say that success is luck. They often base their argument on the fact that some individuals that they consider dumb are successful. The truth is everyone has the potential to be successful, but not everyone will eventually attain success. This is because success is a result of your hard work. If you do not put to develop a vision and turn it into reality, your lot may never change. Those who believe that successful people are simply lucky are not fully aware of the many things that lead up to success. They only see the results and not the action that precedes it. When you set a goal and begin to take steps to achieve it, people around you may not notice that you are working towards anything, but once you have reached your goal, the result becomes glaring, and people begin to see your success. What they do not recognize is that you had to draw up an action plan, build self-discipline, made sacrifices, manage stress, overcome obstacles just to complete your goals. If you leave your life to luck, you will not achieve anything significant. Success comes when you have the right attitude, practice self-discipline, and perseverance. If you think that you are destined to be great and decide not need to work for your success, then you are making a big mistake, one you are sure to regret. Every successful person today had a dream of their future success. Success did not find them; they found success. If you achieve success shortly after you venture into a certain activity, people are likely to conclude that you were just lucky. But you know better. You know that your success came from a combination of actions that obviously went unnoticed them. Apart from taking calculated risks, you did not shy away from challenges, and you did not procrastinate. You learned from your mistakes and that of other people, you sought information, you asked for advice, you refused to see failure as an opportunity to quit, you did not doubt your ability to succeed, and you conquered your fears. Now that doesn't define luck. It is hard work. Your actions today determine your future success. If you work hard to achieve your goals and persist despite the problems you may face along the way, your constant effort will pay off, leading you to success. But if you do not exert yourself physically or mentally, success will be far from you. You will end up blaming bad luck for your perceived failure. Clearly, you get what you put into life. Successful people are not born lucky. They do not wait for life to happen instead they choose to make something out of life. So stop wasting time waiting for luck to shine on you. Take complete control of your life, utilize the opportunities that come your way, learn to take responsibility for your actions, and quit those habits that inhibit success. You will meet with success if you keep trying.

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