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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

A Day Spent Procrastinating Is A Day You Did Not Spend Working on Your Dreams and Goals

All human beings put off doing certain things that they think is unpleasant, difficult or painful. Procrastination can make you miss out on various opportunities. We tend to avoid doing difficult things in the mistaken belief that the temporary relief or enjoyment we get from procrastination is worth it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The temporary enjoyment you get is usually short-lived and prevents you from achieving your goal. Every moment you spent procrastinating, the further you push your goals. Here are ways procrastination prevents you from achieving your goals in life:

You lose precious time

Have you ever wondered about how much time you waste procrastinating? It is not easy to tell, but I am sure you can imagine. The bad thing about procrastinating is that the moment you will realize you are far away from achieving your target, you will realize that you cannot change anything. Unfortunately, you cannot change the hands of time and you have to deal with your own regret. This is the worst feeling ever.

You will lose opportunities

They say opportunity knocks once and when you fail to take it, then it is your loss. Certain opportunities are life changing and you will never know until it is gone. This is what procrastination can do to you. Since you are afraid of taking risks and trying to do difficult things, you will never take up opportunities when they present themselves.

You will not meet your goals in life

We tend to procrastinate a lot when faced with huge tasks and hard decisions to make. You might have a strong desire to change or do something, but you are afraid of taking the first step forward. We set goals in life with one motive; to better our lives. But when you start procrastinating, you will not be able to achieve these goals.

It can ruin your career

The way you work and perform your duties directly affects your output and results, how much you achieve and your general performance at work. This means that if you keep on procrastinating things, you will not be able to meet your deadlines and achieve your monthly or quarterly targets. In the long run, you will be underperforming at work and chances of being fired will be very high.

You become a poor decision maker

Whenever you procrastinate and make a decision based on the procrastination standpoint, you will never make a good decision. In most cases, we tend to work under pressure simply because we procrastinated and now time is running out and we must meet the deadline. Emotions can influence the decisions we make and procrastination plays a huge role in fueling bad emotions.

Avoid procrastinating, stay focused and committed to your goals in life and you will achieve success. A day or minute spent procrastinating is a moment you did not spend working on your goals.

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