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Writer's pictureAimee Reese


In the words of Nancy LaMoth “We can be kind.” Yes, everyone can be kind but performing acts of kindness is a choice. It has been observed that even infants have a strong desire to help and show sympathy. For example, an eighteen-month-old child will likely attempt to help you open the door or carry your luggage if the infant sees you struggling with it. This proves that kindness is something innate. It exists at the very core of humans. Everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated. If you can feel a need to be treated kindly, then you can act kindly towards others. When you are kind to yourself and others, you will see the kindness of others. However, if you are cruel, you will only notice cruelty in others. The reality is that what we see within ourselves is what we see in others. While it is true that it is in the human nature to love and show kindness, some people find it difficult to exhibit this essential character due to their past experiences, their upbringing, their associates and their environment, etc.

However, when such people see a particular person in a favorable light, they naturally want to treat them with kindness. It is essential that you take the first step to be kind. People who are genuinely kind do not wait for others to be kind to them first before they show kindness. It is pertinent to note that being nice is different from being kind. A nice person does the right thing with the hope of getting recognition, but a kind person does good things to others without expecting recognition or payback. Niceness can be faked and can be done with the wrong motive, but kindness comes from the heart. It is a way of life and is done with good intentions. When you carry out good deeds towards others, they will be inclined to show you, love. The only way to truly feel genuine kindness from others is to take the lead in being kind. You don't have to wait until you are in your comfort zone to show kindness. Whether the going is smooth or rough, look for ways to be kind to others. Kind acts do not always have to involve money. They must not always be big. Depending on your circumstances you can offer words of encouragement, a helping hand or even a smile. As long as your actions uplift others, you will feel good within yourself. Kindness can determine the level happiness you experience. Kindness can change the world around you. Kindness can fill the void in your heart. Furthermore, learn to appreciate kind acts that are done towards you no matter how little. If you think the world is full of unkind and hateful people, then it is because you have chosen to be blind to the kind nature of others. Learn to be grateful for every kind deed that is done towards you. And you just may realize that the world isn't as hostile as you think.

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