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Writer's pictureAimee Reese


How do you feel whenever you clean out a rough drawer or an untidy closet? You feel an incredible rush of accomplishment and satisfaction yeah? If cleaning out a drawer or closet can give you peace and satisfaction, how much more when you clean out the clutter in your life? Clutter stands for things you don't use, things you don't like or need. According to the Feng Shui philosophy, free energy brings about love, wealth, abundance and health for the individuals who absorb it. Now, clutters has a way of stopping the energy glow thereby creating exhaustion, exasperation and stagnation. Imagine how your life will turn out with negative and stagnant energy around you. But when you address these clutters and create a path for free flow of energy, your life will soon turn around and open up. The more clutter you remove from your life, the better you will feel.

Here are some things that happen when you address your clutters:

  • You become more magnetic and vibrant

The moment you create harmony and order in your home and life, you will find yourself more radiant and present. Clearing clutters is somewhat similar to acupuncture; just as acupuncture removes imbalances and blockages from the body, addressing clutters removes imbalances and blocks from your life and space.

  • You have more time

When the mess in your home or office isn't making you overwhelmed, you will definitely have adequate time to get work done. Not spending an hour combing through your closet for an outfit to wear or searching for your car keys saves you ample time. Addressing your clutters avails you more time to get work done.

  • Positive risks aren't scary

Clutters often stands for unfinished business, so when you address the clutter, you are giving yourself bigger and creative risk since you are no longer held down by the problems and disappointments of the past.

  • Problems get solved.

When you have a fresh and new perspective about life, you have a clear space that allows you to concentrate and solve problems brilliantly.

  • Money comes freely

When you address your clutter, you will find money in places you don't expect.

  • Your paradigm of bad habits changes to good habits

According to Charles Duhigg, vacation is one of the amazing periods to break a bad habit. How so? Vacations are devoid of the environmental, behavioral traits that trigger our bad habits. What's is more amazing is taking time to change your space and clearing all the junk in your space. Clearing all the junks gives you a new space that allows you to develop good habits. Clearing clutter works better than taking a vacation.

  • Sleep becomes deeper

When you address the clutter around you, especially the big storage you hid under your bed, you will find it relatively easy to fall asleep. The more energy that flows freely around you, the easier it becomes for you to relax with a deep sleep.

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