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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

When You Have To Let Go Of Something Make Sure It Is Not You

Some individuals think that holding on to something or hanging in there are signs of immense will-power and strength. However, there are those incidences when it takes much more strength to know when it is time to let go and just do it. The fact is, you are changing and the universe around you is also changing. Just because something worked out right for you in the past, it does not mean that the same thing is still important or will work the same way now. This can be a habit, a job, a home, a relationship or anything.

As you grow, you discover new things and develop a better understanding of who you really are and what is important in your life. During this moment you will realize that there are deliberate changes that must make to keep up with the different changes happening in and around you. You have to let go of certain things in life in order to let in new and important things.

When growing up and maturing, you will realize that the lifestyle you have been living is no longer important and does not fit. You will realize that certain people and routines that you have known for the longest time ever no longer align with your values and principles. Well, you cherish the moments you spent together but you have no other option but to let go and move on.

When you have to let go of something make sure it is not you. Sometimes you might think that you are letting go someone and in the process, you lose yourself and find yourself doing things that you never wanted or thought to ever do.

We tend to replay our past mistakes in our heads over and over. This allows the feelings of remorsefulness and shame to control our actions at the present time. We stick to frustrations and worry so much about the future as though this act will give us some power. This in many cases causes stress in our minds and it can take a toll on our bodies by causing health complications. We end up accepting the state of anxiety, tension, and stress as the norm.

This should never happen. When you realize that something is not working for you no matter how dear or precious it is to you, just let go of that thing before you lose yourself. It is better to lose that thing or person than losing yourself because you can find another thing that is better and more precious. Bu finding yourself once you are lost will take a long time and sometimes you may never find yourself.

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