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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Taking the Time to Care for You Is the First Step of Taking Care of Others

Most often we tend to put our own health, personal interests, and wellbeing last as we try to help and please the people around us. Women in most cases fall victim of this practice. This might sound like a good thing but in the real sense, it does not work. If you do not take good care of yourself, no one else will. In fact, you will suffer the consequences in different forms and shapes. When you care so much about other people and forget about yourself you will be stuck in a place of illness or unhappiness. If you are finding it hard to take care of yourself and put yourself first, here are tips to get you started:

Understand that you cannot be everything and please everyone

You need to first reflect and reassess your priorities. Understand that people are unique and pleasing everyone is not achievable. You need to accept that and deal with it. Do the little you can and do not push yourself harder to try and make everyone happy. There are those that can appreciate your efforts and there are those who will mock you.

Focus on what is most important to you

Spend days reflecting and focusing on what matters to you as an individual and remove everything that is not important. Doing this will give you time for relaxation, recharging your body and soul. Always make time for yourself, time to meditate and focus on your inner self.

Value yourself

You need to understand that you are important and do things that make you happy. You need to know that you are worth more than you think. Spend your time and energy on the things that bring you the highest returns as far as happiness and finances are concerned.

Have relaxation and recharge time

Try and have a relaxation time of your own. If your pleasure time involves drinking a glass of wine or any other liquor, dancing, listening to music, exercising or watching movies, whether alone or with friends, just do it. This will enable you to understand who you really and what you need to make yourself feel great.

Have a ‘me time’

A ‘me time’ is basically that time when you decide to do something you want alone without any interruptions. It can be taking a solitary walk in the park in the evenings, listening to your favorite songs and just letting your thoughts take you over. Whatever you enjoy doing alone, just make sure that you do it at least once in a week.

Remember, no one will ever take good care of you more than yourself. When you know how to take care of yourself, you will be able to take care of others with ease.

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