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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Today is about putting your differences aside and embrace family

Christmas is a time of love, sharing, and embracing everyone around us. It’s about putting away our various differences and coming together as a family. While we’re supposed to get along with everyone at any point in time, it’s especially important today, because we’re celebrating the birth of Christ. And since we’re commemorating the nativity, of our Lord, we ought to show appreciation and gratitude on how lucky we are; if not for anything but the fact that we’re alive.

It’s indeed a blessing to be able to wake up today and celebrate with our loved ones. This is the time to be joyous and thankful for the life that we have. And the best way to show our gratitude is by being there for others; showing them how much they mean to us. Let’s try to go out of our way to do something nice for everyone; regardless of whether they are family or not.

For most people, Christmas is the time when we create happy memories, and when we abandon our daily routines temporarily and instead focus on helping others and spending time with our families. It’s not just about the gifts we exchange; Christmas is more than that. The presents are just part of the ways we show that we care and remember our friends and families during this period, but there’s more to the season just perfectly wrapped boxes.

The spirit of Christmas infuses in everyone the qualities of acceptance, love, and inclusion that Christ brought with him to Earth. While for some individuals, this season would make it glaringly obvious how alone they are, for others, it would show them the value of family and friends. If you find yourself in a position to help bring cheer to those in great need of it, don’t be reluctant in doing so, because even without knowing it, you might be saving someone’s life.

If you mean to embrace the Christmas spirit fully, look around you and locate that neighbor or friend that will be alone this period. Help them realize that they’ll always have someone to count on despite how bleak life might seem to them.

When you get to experience how bad some people have it in life, you’d be able to truly appreciate the blessing you have in your family and friends. Sometimes it’s not always about the food and drinks; even though that would go a long way in helping the less privileged, just assisting others to feel a sense of belonging and inclusion could make the season better for them.

Invite people over, especially when you know that they have no one to celebrate with; and give them the opportunity to share in your precious family moments. You’d be giving them a gift more valuable than money or gifts.

And if you feel like you should be doing more, locate various organizations and charities that cater towards the welfare of the less privileged, and get yourself attached to one of them, and do something good for those in need.

Here’s to wishing you a Merry Christmas, and giving the kind of gift that really counts.

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