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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Sometimes You Have To Get Rid Of The Toxic People To Truly Move Forward

Remember how your parents always encouraged you to eat healthily and drink loads of water to avoid or flush toxicity? Well, your parents probably thought you about the importance of staying away from junk and toxic foods, but they most likely didn't teach you about toxic people. Yes, you heard that right! Some people are referred to as toxic. Just like you need to detox to get rid of toxicity in your body you need to flush out toxic people in your life. So, this brings us to the big question: who is a toxic person?

A toxic person is someone who brings in nothing but negativity to your life. No matter what you do, no matter how much you've achieved, no matter how well things are going for you, a toxic person will have absolutely nothing positive to say to you. They either keep mute or spit out negative things. So, maybe this person used to be very close to you and you are holding on to them because of your past relationship. It's time to wake up, kick them out and push forward. Toxic people are dead weight. The longer you hang on to them the more they pull you down. Don't give in: act before it's too late. Here are some pointers to know when you have toxic people in your life:

You Are The Only One Making Efforts

If you have a friend and you discover that you are always the one who brings up conversations, sets meet, pays for outings, etc., well, it's time to cut that friend loose. Every friend should be willing to give as much as they are willing to collect. If you're the only one giving yourself, you're probably just a torn in their flesh. Be with only those who truly enjoy being with you.

2. You're Always Left Guessing

Those you spend your time with ought to make you feel appreciated for the effort you put into being with them. They should encourage you to do more. Remember that a person who feels appreciated will always do more. If you constantly need to ask yourself who you are in a person's life, well, cut that person off.

3. Being With Them Hurts

Your relationships and friendships ought to feel a social void in your heart. Every moment you spend with them should be fun and fulfilling. If you notice that the union is bringing you the pain of any sort, especially regularly, cut them off. Be a joy magnet and attract joy magnets as well. Don't ever find yourself comfortable with a person that brings you down or makes you feel less of who you are. If you always feel like crap, then you're probably in a relationship with crap. Cut the crap off.

Bottom Line

Don't waste your life on people who don't respect or appreciate you. Take a paper and a pen and write a list of all those who treat you bad in your life. Write out actionable ways you can cut them out for good and replace them with a better company. One thing you also need to do is reflect on yourself to make sure you are not a terrible person. If you find any character traits that you can't tolerate from others, start working on fixing it.

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