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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Let go of what people think about you and pay attention to what you think instead

It is normal to want to be liked and be accepted by other people. Unfortunately, the need to be liked by others leads to people worrying too much about what other people are thinking or saying about them. When you give too much credence the opinions of other people you are basically letting them take control of your actions, your feelings and your life in general. It prevents you from living your life. Your entire being, your actions, and your personality will be controlled by an idealized standard of how and what people want to see. Here are reasons why you should let go of what people think about you:

You cannot please or be liked by everyone

No matter how hard you try to please other people and no matter how nice you are with people around you, you just cannot please everyone. Not everyone will like and some people will always find fault in how you dress, how you do things or even what you say and they will always talk about you. You will never fit in everyone’s world. The moment you realize this you will easily fit in whatever situation life puts you in.

You can live a happy life without other people’s approval or opinion

What people say about you or what they talk does not define you or your personality. It is you who knows and understands yourself. You are not less or more a person based on what other people say or approve of you. It is you who decide what you want in your life and you are responsible for your own happiness and no one knows what is best for you except yourself. You do not need other people’s opinion to be happy.

What is right for you could be wrong for another person

There is a saying that goes one man’s meat is another man’s poison. This simply means that what is best for you can be worst for another person. Someone’s opinion is usually based on what that person would do. What you consider as treasure can be trash to another individual. So do not wait for other people’s approval to live your life.

You cannot control what other people think of you

We live in completely different worlds. In fact, we do not live in a perfect world and this means that we have different realities, perceptions, thoughts, and beliefs. These experiences are brought about by how we grew up and what we learned as we were growing up. So what you might think is totally wrong, is not to the other person.

You should let go of what people think about you, other people’s opinion and perception of you and pay attention to what you think instead.

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