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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

If you have a GERD diagnosis or you are suspecting that you may have it, you will want to know what it means. Gastro refers to the stomach. GERD is Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; this is a digestive disorder. It occurs when stomach acid or stomach content flows back into your food pipe. If the lower esophageal sphincter opens at the wrong time or fails to close correctly, GERD occurs. The backwash causes a sensation to the lining of the esophagus and causes GERD. It is also known as Acid Reflux.

Are you feeling a burning in the chest or throat, do you taste stomach fluid at the back of your mouth? When stomach fluids flow back into the mouth, a burning sensation we call heartburn occurs. If you are experiencing these symptoms more often causing you discomfort, you may have GERD.

Failure to treat Acid reflux causes impacts such as esophagitis a condition in which the inflamed tissue swells and irritation occur in the esophagus. The scars in the tissues are as a result of GERD may narrow the food pipe making swallowing difficult. Primarily, this leads to weight loss.

In adults, long lasting untreated GERD leads to permanent damage of the esophagus and sometimes cancer. Experiencing regurgitation more often is a sign of GERD.

Some individuals experience symptoms of acid reflux despite taking medications. This type of reflux is called refractory gastroesophageal reflux (GERD). These individuals require aggressive treatment plan and monitoring.

Other impacts of acid reflux would include a dry cough, asthma; a feeling of choking that may wake one up, a sore raw throat or hoarse voice.

Essential Oils for GERD

Having too much harmful bacteria in the stomach may be the cause of your GERD. Essential oils may help prevent GERD.

Mixing lemon essential oil into one large glass of water is the beginning point. Ensure you drink the mixture every morning and before every meal. Lemon detoxifies naturally and helps clean the stomach of damaging bacteria.

Massaging a mixture of carrier oil such as Almond with Eucalyptus oil, fennel oil and peppermint oil thoroughly to the chest, back and throat areas helps relax the muscles.

Thirdly, ginger is incredibly healthy for your body. It helps clean up bad bacteria, fights against diabetes and cancer and is also great at preventing ulcers-which can form as result of Acid reflux. Rub a mixture of ginger essential oils and water on the throat area to soothe and relax the muscles.


Everyone inclusive of infants and children can have GERD. Treat GERD as it can lead to health problems where you will need medicines or even surgery. You will probably find out that one of the simplest ways to make life easy for someone with GERD is to avoid what triggers your symptoms.

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