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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Never Be Too Busy To Laugh

One of the most saddening realities in this century is that billions of people the world over have become too busy to laugh. The hard times, drive for success, desire to be taken seriously and thousands of other reasons could all be cited behind this unfortunate occurrence. However, much as it is great to be hardworking and determined, one should always remember to put aside some time for personal pleasure and there are various reasons why.

Stress relief

Laughter is a great stress relief technique. Laughter is tied to things that make us happy, which is synonymous with stress reduction. This is important especially in the work environment where things pile up, tensions rise and there is an increased susceptibility to stress. Stress can be extremely damaging, going on to affect performance at work and productivity in life.

Taking care of yourself

If you are taking time away from your busy schedule to laugh, that means that you are taking the time to take care of yourself. It is important for everyone to realize that the more balanced you are in your life, the better you are at all other things in life. More so, you will be in a better position and mind space to help those around you, when need be.


The busier we get, the less content we are. That is yet another sad reality in this life. We are always chasing after the next success, bigger jobs, more money etc. However, taking the time to find something that makes you laugh gives you contentment. You find that even though you want the same things that everyone else is after, and are putting in just as much effort, you are far more satisfied. This is because you learn to appreciate the little things in life.

Social growth

We are more inclined to share something that makes us laugh with those in our social circles. Similarly, we are less likely to associate with people who only bring sadness in our lives. Making someone else laugh not only brings you tremendous pleasure and satisfaction but also strengthens the relationship. Enjoying those few moments of laughter with them, and spreading the happiness around, improves your social growth.


I am not suggesting that people should avoid things that keep them busy, in fact, you should strive as hard as possible to achieve your goals in life. However, ensure that even as you work hard and become more determined in your drive to succeed, you also set aside time to enjoy those things that bring you joy and make you laugh.

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