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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Treat Your Intuition as a Partner

How often do you trust your intuition? What happens when you ignore your gut? Some things tend to seem to be too good to be true. However attractive or pleasing an individual or a situation may seem to be, something within you feels a little bit off. Trusting your intuition is trusting a collection of all your subconscious experiences.

As you grow, you accumulate knowledge through experiences and you begin to form patterns. Your brain then instinctively organizes these patterns into various blocks of information. Over time the brain creates more and more blocks and then stores them into your long term memory. When you see a small detail of a familiar pattern, you instantly recognize the entire composition and that is what is regarded as a flash of intuition.

Why should you treat your intuition as a partner?

Your instincts can help you recognize real threats from imaginary ones.

We all have our fears and it takes courage to rise above these fears and tune into our intuition. Unfortunately, a lot of people live their lives in constant fear and anxiety, they are always on high alert for killer diseases, terrorism, predatory people and all manner of fears that they can hardly pick up the tinniest signals their instincts might be telling them about their surroundings.

Your intuition can pre-empt an illness and save your life

Naturally, gut instincts come with some kind of physical feeling, for example a tightening of the chest or goose bumps. Other times, they give you warning signs of an illness that you need to look into. Never ignore that feeling. Do not ignore that bump, that itchiness on your skin or that headache that comes and go. Your body is a potent intuitive communicator that should never be ignored.

Your intuition can help you make knowledgeable decisions

Research shows that, the longer you ponder over a big a decision, the less satisfied you will be afterwards, than you would have been had you spent a lesser amount of time deciding and simply follow your gut. When you trust your intuition, you will be able to make a decision that you will be happy with at the end.

Treat your intuition as a partner, something you wake up with each morning. This way you will be able to detect a problem before it even occurs, you will know who to trust and be around with, you will be able to make smarter choices and decisions. It will enable you to deal with day-to-day matters with ease.

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