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Writer's pictureAimee Reese

Without clear direction it is hard to fulfill that dream or goal

You have penned down goals for yourself and you are determined to achieve them. What if I told you that without clear direction, you will find it hard to achieve those goals you have penned down? Having a clear direction is important; your direction defines the steps you take and the things you do on a daily basis. Yes, you want a better life for yourself; and you set specific goals to help you achieve the life you have always wanted for yourself but without clear direction, I'm afraid all your efforts will be wasted. Clear direction reinforces your goals! Having a clear direction is the fuel that powers your goals. Ponder on this: When you feel uncertain or unclear about a goal, are you motivated to achieve it? Of course not! You have clear cut goals but without a clear direction and the motivation to push them through, you will remain fixed at a point.

According to Napoleon Hill;

"There is a quality we need to possess to win, and that is a clear direction, the knowledge of what we want and an unending desire to achieve it".

Individuals who are striving to achieve their goals need to have a clear direction. At the beginning of your journey, everything seems confusing but a clear direction helps you define your goals. Then, you become unstoppable. The peculiar things common to successful people is a sense of direction. When you have a clear direction, you have a clear understanding of the things you want and everything you do from therein aligns with your goals. Your daily activities centers around your goals and this propels you closer to your vision.

A clear direction challenges you and makes you commit to actions that will make the realization of your goals faster. With clarity of purpose and a clear direction, you find it relatively easy to pull ideas, people and resources together for a common goal. Without a clear direction, you are simply wasting your time and efforts.

There is no assessment that will provide you with clear direction or clarity. Seeking clarity or a clear direction when you aren't certain is a daunting experience and believe me, it will be stressful and discouraging if you don't find solutions at the time you seek them the most.

Self discovery is the key! You need to discover yourself, you need to figure out what you want for yourself and you need to figure out your path, otherwise, you will be stuck. The journey to the realization of your goals starts from within. You need to discover who you are, what you want and why you want them. Once you have answered your "why", you will be careful of your daily actions and activities. You want your daily activities to be consistent with your goals. Trust me, there is no better feeling than becoming clear on the things you encountered a road block before. Those "finally" moments is a blessing. You deserve it! Having a clear direction is a beautiful thing.

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